*** WooSlider Changelog *** 2015.11.11 - version 2.3.0 * Tweak - Ensures the necessary JavaScripts load only if slideshows are present on the current screen. /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php * New - Add option to choose the content type for your slides when selecting a slider type of Posts /classes/class-wooslider-admin.php, /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * Update - Updated to use the latest version of FlexSlider, 2.6.0, various under the hood fixes and improvements. assets/js/jquery.flexslider.js 2015.06.23 - version 2.2.2 * Tweak - modifies how the image size choice works so that all registered image sizes are shown as an option. 2015.06.12 - version 2.2.1 * Update - Updated to use the latest version of FlexSlider, 2.5.0, various under the hood fixes and improvements. assets/js/jquery.flexslider.js 2015.02.27 - version 2.2.0 * Update - Updated to use the latest version of FlexSlider, 2.4.0, various fixes and improvements. assets/js/jquery.flexslider.js 2014.07.31 - version 2.1.0 * Fix - Fix issue with PHP noticed being shown when adding a slider via the Add Media screen. classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * Fix - Fix 'Undefined Property' PHP notice. classes/class-wooslider-settings-api.php * Tweak - Update to FitVids to latest version - 1.1 assets/js/jquery.fitvids.js * Tweak - Use CSS instead of JavaScript animations. classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php * New - Add option to display captions on attachments slider. classes/class-wooslider-admin.php, classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * Tweak - Add tweak to dynamically hide Slide options that cannot be used together. assets/js/shortcode-creator.js, assets/js/shortcode-creator.min.js, classes/class-wooslider-admin.php * New - Add option to remove sticky posts from displaying in the Posts slider. classes/class-wooslider-admin.php, classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * New - Add option to select the image size in the Slides slider. classes/class-wooslider-admin.php, classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * New - Add option to select the number of visible images in a carousel slider. classes/class-wooslider-admin.php, classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php * Fix - Fix mousewheel issue where the area bellow a slider with different slide heights would still repond to the event. assets/css/style.css 2014.01.28 - version 2.0.2 * New - Add 'display_title' parameter to Posts slider /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * New - Add "has-featured-image" class to slides that have one. /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * Fix - Fix empty link tags in slides /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * New - Add falback to slides with no featured image in the image slider, they now default to the content only slide layout /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * New - Add support for shortcodes to the Slides slider content. /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * New - Added filters on content output /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * Fix - Fix issue with initial slider height /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php * Fix - Fix issue with oembed data being modified on all videos, now applied only to videos in 'slide' post type /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php * Fix - Fix issue with videos not being properly discovered by provider APIs on first page load /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php 2013.12.19 - version 2.0.1 * New - Add order settings for Slides post type by date or menu order /classes/class-wooslider-admin.php, /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php, /classes/class-wooslider-utils.php * Fix - Slide URL not saving /classes/class-wooslider-posttypes.php, /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * Fix - Incorrect callback API variables /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php * Fix - Removed extra quote causing validation issue /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * Fix - Multiple slide pages not working in a Slides type slider /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php * Fix - IDs with capital letters and spaces causing errors /inc/wooslider-template.php * Tweak - Rename 'wooslidercontent' to 'data-wooslidercontent' for HTML5 validation /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php, /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php 2013.09.09 - version 2.0.0 * /classes/class-wooslider-admin.php - Change thumbnail option from checkbox to select. generate_default_conditional_fields() now uses a filter instead of looking for internal methods. * /classes/class-wooslider-fontend.php - add callbacks, add support for carousel. * /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php - add render_carousel function, handle carousel option. * /classes/class-wooslider-posttypes.php - Adds logic to handle the "Slide URL" meta box. * /classes/class-wooslider-settings-api.php - Adds support for settings screen tabs, to be used in future versions of WooSlider. * /inc/wooslider-template.php - Add html output for carousel. * /assets/js/jquery.fitvids.js - ADDED. 2013.02.01 - version 1.0.9 * /inc/woo-functions.php - Added is_woocommerce_active * /inc/class-wc-dependencies.php - Added to detect WooCommerce 2012.12.06 - version 1.0.7 * /assets/js/jquery.flexslider.js - Introduce non-minified version of FlexSlider, for debugging in SCRIPT_DEBUG mode. * /assets/js/jquery.flexslider.min.js - Upgrade to the latest version of FlexSlider. RENAMED from "-min" to ".min" in accordance with the WordPress script file naming convention. * /assets/js/shortcode-creator.js - Code standards optimisations. * /assets/js/jquery.mousewheel.js, * /assets/js/jquery.mousewheel.min.js - Introduce jQuery Mousewheel script, for use with the "mousewheel" parameter. * /assets/css/style.css - Adds basic resets for slides, images within slides and control navigation for better theme compatibility. * /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php - Adds orderby and order arguments for attachment based sliders, default to menu_order to support drag/drop ordering of attachment slides. Pass settings through when retrieving slides. For future use and enhancements. * /classes/class-wooslider-admin.php - Introduces "id" parameter, to assign a specific ID value to a slideshow. Adds minified version of the script, as well as SCRIPT_DEBUG logic. Introduce FlexSlider "sync" parameter. * /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php - Adjusts slideshow JavaScript generation to account for new custom "id" field. Introduce FlexSlider "sync" parameter. * /classes/class-wooslider-updater.php - REMOVED * /classes/class-wooslider.php - Removes logic for loading the previous plugin updater code. * /inc/wooslider-template.php - Adds support for the new custom "id" field. * /inc/woo-functions.php - Introduces functionality for integration with the "WooThemes Updater" plugin. * wooslider.php - Integrate with the "WooThemes Updater" plugin. 2012.11.08 - version 1.0.6 * /assets/css/global.css - Adjust CSS for the admin menu icon for WordPress 3.5-beta compatibility. * /classes/class-wooslider-settings.php - Add setting to control "touch" parameter. * /classes/class-wooslider-admin.php - Update version number on "global.css' enqueue. Fix and update the "shortcode-creator" script enqueue. Load "shortcode-creator" JavaScript in the header instead of the footer. * /classes/class-wooslider-posttypes.php - Change image dimensions in admin columns to include height value. Fixes "undefined offset" notice. * /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php - Remove get_the_ID() from the call to get_the_excerpt() when rendering "posts" slideshows. Fixes "undefined index" on "thumbnails" when rendering "posts" slideshows. * /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php - Load slideshow JavaScript directly in "wp_footer" instead of using a transient to load via a separate URL. Removed "trigger_javascript_generator()" method, as no longer used. Added logic for outputting "touch" parameter in generated JavaScript. * /inc/wooslider-template.php - Don't display the slideshow markup if there are no slides rendered. Add the ability to use do_action( 'wooslider' ) to display a slideshow instead of using the template tag. * /assets/js/tabs-navigation.js - Compatibilty with jQuery 1.8.2 in WordPress 3.5 beta. 2012.09.03 - version 1.0.5 * /assets/css/flexslider.css - Make sure ".carousel" and the general clearfix styles are prefixed with ".wooslider". Add missing browser-prefixed box-shadow properties to ".wooslider". * /classes/class-wooslider-admin.php - Adjust logic for the popup's JavaScript and conditional fields loading, to fix issue when Network Activated on a WordPress MultiSite Network. * /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php - Make sure the thumbnails generate correctly for the "Attached Images Slideshow" widget. Wrap $slides in the "wooslider_get_slides" filter, passing through $slides, $type and $args. Link the post thumbnail to the post if the "link title to it's post" option is enabled in the "posts" slideshow type. Add basic support for the [embed] shortcode to the "slides" slideshow type. * /widgets/widget-wooslider-slides.php - Make sure the "Slide Groups" functionality works correctly in the "Slides Slideshow" widget. * /widgets/widget-wooslider-attachments.php - Make sure $instance keys are unset correctly if added to $extra_args, to prevent them being added to $settings as well. * /inc/wooslider-template.php - Minor refinements and updates to the "[wooslider]" shortcode. * /lang/wooslider-en_GB.po - Rescan language translation file. * /lang/wooslider-xx_XX.pot - Rescan language translation file. 2012.08.22 - version 1.0.4 * /classes/class-wooslider-settings.php - Added contextual help for each WooSlider administration screen. Made sure that contextual help displays only where necessary within the WordPress admin. Specifiy "settings_version" as the WooSlider version. * /classes/class-wooslider-settings-api.php - Add support for the "settings_version" property, to be displayed next to the title of the settings screen. * /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php - Fixed logic around the generation of the JavaScript for the boolean settings. Fixes issue of navigation not being able to be disabled. Add get_theme() method. * /classes/class-wooslider-admin.php - Add support and markup in the popup for the "theme" field. * /classes/class-wooslider-utils.php - Add get_slider_themes() method. * /classes/class-wooslider-posttypes.php - Make "slide-page" taxonomy non-hierarchical. Hide "Popular" section above the "Add Slide Group" form in the WordPress admin. Remove unused "remove_wooframework_metabox()" method. * /inc/wooslider-template.php - Add support for the "theme" field in the output function, using the get_theme() method in the frontend class. * /widgets/widget-wooslider-base.php - Add support for theme selection, if multiple themes are available. Make sure settings aren't overridden if the "Customise Advanced Settings" checkbox isn't checked. * /widgets/widget-wooslider-attachments.php - Make sure settings aren't overridden if the "Customise Advanced Settings" checkbox isn't checked. * /widgets/widget-wooslider-posts.php - Make sure settings aren't overridden if the "Customise Advanced Settings" checkbox isn't checked. * /widgets/widget-wooslider-slides.php - Make sure settings aren't overridden if the "Customise Advanced Settings" checkbox isn't checked. * /assets/css/settings.css - Add styling for the settings version number display. * /lang/wooslider-en_GB.po - Rescan language translation file. * /lang/wooslider-xx_XX.pot - Rescan language translation file. 2012.08.16 - version 1.0.3 * /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php - Change 'true' to a boolean true to fix checkbox logic error. Make sure the booelan values are being checked for correctly when generating the slideshow JavaScript. * /classes/class-wooslider-admin.php - Manually enqueue the "ranges" and "image selector" JavaScript files. * /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php - Add "display_excerpt" option to the "posts" slideshow type. Remove unused get_placeholder_image() method in favour of the method present in the WooSlider_Utils class. * /widgets/widget-wooslider-base.php - Adjusted how default fields are saved per widget. Ensure that widget-specific fields save correctly at each scenario (init, update). * /lang/wooslider-en_GB.po - Rescanned language file. 2012.08.09 - version 1.0.2 * /classes/class-wooslider-admin.php - Add support for "text" input field types to the conditional popup fields. Remove second enqueue of field scripts, which is no longer required in the popup. * /classes/class-wooslider-settings-api.php - Adjust the enqueue_field_styles() method call to ensure that field-specific styles are conditionally loaded correctly. * /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php - Add shortcode support and wptexturize for the content of slides in the "slides" slideshow type. * /widgets/widget-wooslider-base.php - Make sure that "range" fields display correctly as select box fields. Ensure that "advanced settings" save correctly when in use. * /assets/js/shortcode-creator.js - Look for hidden select boxes for "range" fields, as well as the default field check, when creating the shortcode. 2012.08.07 - version 1.0.1 * /classes/class-wooslider.php - Check if WooThemes_Plugin_Updater class exists to avoid plugin updater conflicts. Add "post-thumbnails" support if the theme doesn't natively support it. * /classes/class-wooslider-frontend.php - Bump "wooslider-common" stylesheet version to 1.0.1. Make sure "autoslide" can be disabled via the shortcode. * /classes/class-wooslider-sliders.php - Make sure the postdata is reset correctly after retrieving the slides for the "slides" slideshow type. * /assets/css/flexslider.css - Move slideshow-specific styles to "style.css". Adjust styling of the "active" CSS classes to be "wooslider-active" in accordance with FlexSlider version 2.1 update. * /assets/css/style.css - Add slideshow-specific styles from "flexslider.css". Fixed image and excerpt z-index. * /assets/js/jquery.flexslider-min.js - Upgrade FlexSlider to version 2.1. * /lang/en_GB.po - Rescan language translation file. 2012.08.07 - version 1.0.0 * First release. Woo!